Monday, August 3, 2009

Harley-Davidson 2010 Motorcycle Mosaic

Well it's official- I made the Harley-Davidson 2010 Motorcycle Mosaic. WHOOHOO

I picture is hard to see, it was a ride we did this winter. We are at Washington on the Brazos.

Hello –

Thank you for submitting your photo to be included in our 2010 Motorcycle Catalog* and Online Photo Mosaic.

You are receiving this e-mail because your photo has been included in the Online Photo Mosaic.

To access the Online Photo Mosaic visit:

You can locate photos by entering the e-mail address associated with your submission (the address at which you received this e-mail), or by entering/clicking the following photo code(s):


Catalogs will be available at Harley-Davidson dealers starting on July 29th. Visit your local dealer to get a copy before they’re gone! While you’re there, check out the new 2010 models; 34 new metal masterpieces, including nine models all new for this year.

See you on the road,

* Please note that the location of your photo in the online mosaic and the cover of the printed catalog are not identical. Harley-Davidson apologizes for any photo that may have been omitted from the print version of the 2010 Motorcycle Catalog due to printing or production processes needed to create the cover.