Monday, October 5, 2009

The hardest thing I have ever done!!!

I did it, it was painful (mentally), unpleasant, nerve racking, uncomfortable and I am forever changed. They said if I didn’t show up it would cost me $50. Well that didn’t sound too bad, hell I would have been willing to pay a hell of a lot more to not show up. The whole week just flew by, until Friday morning, and then it just seemed to stop. No time actually stopped Thursday night while I was shaving. I couldn’t sleep all night knowing what was about to happen. The twenty minute ride seemed to take 4hrs. Checked in sat, down and not a second later got called in (never happens right). The nurse checked me in and then I had to wait again for what seemed like hours for the Doc.

The shot was the worst part… Guys did you know that your balls are actually connected to your throat. Yes I got a Vasectomy. It was hard and I almost didn’t show and came close to leaving while waiting for the Doc., but I did it.

I always said I would never, but after our little surprise (that is now 7 months). I figured I needed to take matters into my own hands. Don’t get me wrong I love baby Opps and can’t imagine life without her. I would love to have a bunch of kids; it’s just that we can hardly afford daycare right now. The only way that I was able to afford my bike is because I got rid of daycare a few years back. And of course now we are struggling again because of daycare.

If you ever get put in the position to have this done to you…… Just say NO!!!!

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